2025 National Security and Naval Power Bootcamp


Notional Agenda below for illustration. Agenda is subject to change. 

Notional Agenda is subject to change. 

Sunday June 15th - arrive in DC
6:00 pm (after you check-in)Welcome Reception


Monday June 16th
Day One: National Security Strategy & Policy
8:45-9:00 Welcome, Intros, Expectations
9:00-10:15 S&T for the Navy/Careers
10:30-11:45 Structure of the Navy
12:00-12:30Coursework/TTX Intro
AfternoonNRL Site Visit
EveningPizza and Movie 


Tuesday June 17th
Day Two: Navigating around National Security
8:30-9:30am  Overview of Navy RDT&E
9:30-11:00Overview of Budget process
11:15-12:30Communicating S&T to Decision Makers
2:00-3:00Role of Congress
3:30-5:00Navy shipbuilding priorities
5:00-6:00TTX brief-in

Dinner Speaker: Transformative Decade or

(Challenge of China)


Wednesday June 18th
Day Three – Site Visits
MorningNSWC Site Visits
1:00-2:15National Security/Defense Strategy
2:15-3:15Roles &  Responsibilities of Navy and Joint Commands

Ocean Ecology on Navy missions:

Impact of climate change


Nuclear Navy

TTX group assignments

EveningFree time


Thursday June 19th
Day 4  Key Topics
8:30 -9:45Global Naval Challenges Panel
10:00-11:15 Focus on Indopacific
11:30-12:45 Focus on Europe/MEast
2:00-3:15Emerging technologies (Unscrewed, digital/virtual twin, hpersonics, HEW)
EveningPotomac River Kayaking 


Friday June 20th
Day 5: Future Challenges

TTX assessment





Reading Materials


Read Ahead Articles: 

Taiwan politics & background

US-China clash on Taiwan

Japan, ROK on Taiwan

US coordination with allies

General Background on China & South China Sea


National Security Strategy

National Defense Strategy

Nuclear Posture Review

Missile Defense Review

National Defense Industrial Strategy

Books and Essays of Interest



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If you would like to get involved in future National Security and Naval Power Bootcamps please let us know.

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