

We are a federation of former enlisted, officer and civil servants who remain dedicated to national security. We structured Lowcountry Maritime Group to ensure each individual is empowered to focus on the nation's challenges they are most passionate about solving - without the burdens of having to convince their leadership that solving these problems is the #1 priority.

Our federation's passions include:
  • Increasing supply chain security
  • Developing and filling trade and STEM pipelines- military, civilian and industry
  • Ensuring strategy drives budget
  • Diversifying US manufacturing to support national defense needs
  • Adoption of Information Technology that minimizes pain of bureaucracy while ensuring the checks and balances we owe our taxpayers
LETS GO partners with schools, youth organizations, and other non-profits in historically under-resourced communities to provide STEM learning experiences for youth from elementary school to post-secondary school age. LETS GO equips administrative staff and instructors to provide STEM learning experiences in their schools and communities. LETS GO provides workforce development and internship/apprenticeship opportunities for high school and post-secondary school students. Currently, LETS GO serves four regions:  Baltimore City, Anne Arundel County, Washington, DC, and Transylvania County in North Carolina.
Office of Naval Research (ONR) 
The Office of Naval Research is the catalyst of future naval power, ensuring technological dominance for our fleet and force. With a workforce that includes some of the top PhDs and engineers in the world in their fields, ONR finds the best minds from across the nation and around the globe, sponsoring new research and creating new capabilities for America’s Sailors and Marines.