2025 National Security and Naval Power Bootcamp
- Notional Agenda below for illustration. Agenda is subject to change.
Notional Agenda is subject to change.
- Sunday June 15th - arrive in DC
Orientation Anytime Check-In 6:00 pm (after you check-in) Welcome Reception - Monday June 16th
Day One: National Security Strategy & Policy 8:45-9:00 Welcome, Intros, Expectations 9:00-10:15 S&T for the Navy/Careers 10:30-11:45 Structure of the Navy 12:00-12:30 Coursework/TTX Intro Afternoon NRL Site Visit Evening Pizza and Movie - Tuesday June 17th
Day Two: Navigating around National Security 8:30-9:30am Overview of Navy RDT&E 9:30-11:00 Overview of Budget process 11:15-12:30 Communicating S&T to Decision Makers 2:00-3:00 Role of Congress 3:30-5:00 Navy shipbuilding priorities 5:00-6:00 TTX brief-in Evening Dinner Speaker: Transformative Decade or
(Challenge of China)
- Wednesday June 18th
Day Three – Site Visits Morning NSWC Site Visits 1:00-2:15 National Security/Defense Strategy 2:15-3:15 Roles & Responsibilities of Navy and Joint Commands 3:30-4:45 Ocean Ecology on Navy missions:
Impact of climate change
4:45-6:00 Nuclear Navy
TTX group assignments
Evening Free time - Thursday June 19th
Day 4 Key Topics 8:30 -9:45 Global Naval Challenges Panel 10:00-11:15 Focus on Indopacific 11:30-12:45 Focus on Europe/MEast 2:00-3:15 Emerging technologies (Unscrewed, digital/virtual twin, hpersonics, HEW) 3:30-4:45 Space Evening Potomac River Kayaking - Friday June 20th
Day 5: Future Challenges Morning TTX Afternoon TTX assessment
Evening TBD
Reading Materials
Read Ahead Articles:
Taiwan politics & background
- https://crsreports.congress.
gov/product/pdf/IF/IF10275#:~: .text=The%20TRA%20creates%20% E2%80%9Cstrategic%20ambiguity, said%20U.S.%20policy%20was% 20unchanged - https://www.csis.org/analysis/
taiwans-2024-elections- results-and-implications
US-China clash on Taiwan
Japan, ROK on Taiwan
- https://www.brookings.edu/
articles/how-japan-and-south- korea-diverge-on-taiwan-and- the-taiwan-strait/ - https://www.fpri.org/article/
2022/09/why-japan-needs-to- talk-to-taiwan/ - https://warontherocks.com/
2021/11/japans-revolution-on- taiwan-affairs/
US coordination with allies
General Background on China & South China Sea
- https://amti.csis.org/
tracking-tensions-at-second- thomas-shoal/ - https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/
02/china/china-pla-rocket- force-shakeup-new-leaders- intl-hnk-ml-mic/index.html - https://news.usni.org/2016/07/
19/take-position-scarborough- shoal - https://www.uscc.gov/research/
south-china-sea-arbitration- ruling-what-happened-and- whats-next
National Defense Industrial Strategy
Books and Essays of Interest
- Supercommunicators
- Charles Duhigg
- A Message to Garcia
- Elbert Hubbard
- Good to Great
- Jim Collins
- Talking to Strangers
- Malcolm Gladwell
- How Will You Measure Your Life
- Clayton Christensen
- The Influence of Sea Power on History
- Alfred Thayer Mahan
- The Rule of the Waves:
- How Control of the World's Oceans Shapes the Fate of the Superpowers
- Bruce D. Jones
- Freedom's Forge:
- How American Businesses Produced Victory in World War II
- Arthur Herman
- The Cod Wars:
- A Re-Analysis
- Sverrir Steinsson
32665 Navy force structure and shipbuilding plans. This is the main one I mentioned. See the sections on announced ship delivery days and shipbuilding capacity.
33153 China naval modernization
32418 Virginia class SSN and AUKUS Pillar 1. This includes a discussion (with a data table) showing the backlog in SSN maintenance.
Contact Us
If you would like to get involved in future National Security and Naval Power Bootcamps please let us know.